RITAR stational lead acid battery

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How to maintain the consistency of the battery pack?

Although lead-acid batteries are strictly selected before leaving the factory, after a certain period of use, unevenness will appear and gradually increase. The charger does not have the selectivity and identification function, and cannot replenish the undercharged batteries and limit the charging amount for overcharged batteries. How to balance the battery capacity must be done by humans. In the middle and late stages of the battery pack, users should regularly or irregularly measure the open circuit voltage of each battery. For those with lower voltage, charge them separately to make their voltage and capacity consistent with other batteries, and try to reduce their gap.

Can batteries with different capacities, performances or manufacturers be connected together for use?


What harm will be caused if the connecting bolts are not tightened?

Loose connections will increase the resistance at the connection, which can easily cause sparks during the charging and discharging process, and in severe cases can lead to heating, fire, and accidents.

How to distinguish genuine and fake GEL batteries?

Gel batteries are classified by separators. The ones that use special colloid separators (PVC, PE, phenolic resin, etc.) are recognized as true colloids by the world, while the ones that use AGM separators are not recognized as false colloids by the world. The definition of true and false colloids still depends on the amount of silicon dioxide added. The amount of silicon dioxide added to special colloid separators is more than 5%, while it is difficult to add AGM separators if the amount exceeds 1.5.

What problem do colloids solve?

Colloid solves the problem of electrolyte stratification. Batteries with electrolyte in a non-gel state are affected by gravity and the electrolyte is stratified. The lower part has more electrolyte and high concentration, while the upper part has less electrolyte and low concentration. As a result, the negative plate at the bottom is prone to sulfation and the grid at the top is prone to corrosion. The colloid is added to the battery after high-speed stirring. Due to the thixotropy of the colloid, it quickly gels to form a mesh-like whole.
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