RITAR stational lead acid battery

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What are primary batteries and secondary batteries?

Primary batteries are ordinary dry batteries that can only be used once, and secondary batteries are also called rechargeable batteries. The power battery (or traction battery) in the secondary battery is the main power source for electric vehicles.

What is the capacity of a battery?

The capacity of a battery refers to the electrical energy that can be released by the active substances in the battery when participating in the electrochemical reaction. That is, the amount of charge that the battery can hold after charging. The unit is "ampere-hour" (Ah). If a battery is discharged at a current of 1 ampere (A) for 1 hour, the capacity obtained is 1 ampere-hour (Ah). Assuming an average current of 4A, when discharged at the termination voltage of the battery, and the discharge time is maintained for 3 hours, the capacity of the battery is 12Ah (the discharge efficiency is not calculated here).

What is the design capacity of a battery?

The capacity of a battery calculated from electrochemical theory based on the amount of active material contained in the battery is called the design capacity.

What is the charge acceptance of a battery?

The amount of charge received by the battery per unit time under the specified charging voltage and current conditions.

What is battery internal resistance?

It refers to the resistance that the current encounters when flowing through the battery when the battery is working. It consists of two parts: ohmic internal resistance and polarization internal resistance. A large internal resistance of the battery will lead to a lower discharge voltage and a shorter discharge time. The size of the internal resistance is mainly affected by factors such as the battery material, manufacturing process, and battery structure. It is an important parameter for measuring battery performance.

How do rechargeable batteries achieve their energy conversion?

Each battery has the ability of electrochemical conversion, that is, the stored chemical energy is directly converted into electrical energy. In the case of secondary batteries (also called storage batteries) (another term is also called rechargeable portable batteries), during the discharge process, chemical energy is converted into electrical energy; and during the charging process, electrical energy is converted back into chemical energy. This process can be charged and discharged more than 500 times, depending on the electrochemical system.

What is the rated capacity of a battery?

The rated capacity of a battery refers to the minimum amount of electricity that should be discharged under certain discharge conditions, which is stipulated or guaranteed when the battery is designed and manufactured. The battery capacity indicated by the manufacturer refers to the amount of electricity that the battery should provide when it is discharged to the termination voltage at a rate of 10h at an ambient temperature of 25°C. It is expressed as C10 and the unit is Ah (ampere*hour).

What is the actual capacity of a battery?

The actual capacity of a battery refers to the actual amount of electricity discharged by the battery under certain discharge conditions, which is mainly affected by the discharge rate and temperature (so strictly speaking, the battery capacity should indicate the charging and discharging conditions).
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